2008年11月14日 星期五

中國恃強凌弱, 四處征伐鄰國, 所幸韓國、蒙古國、越南共禦外敵, 逐退中國人, 復國成功。

中國恃強凌弱, 四處征伐鄰國,
逐退中國人, 復國成功。


中國自古野蠻好戰, 極富侵略心。每個中國的鄰國都被它侵略蹂躪。

中國恃強凌弱, 仗著人多勢眾, 屢屢發兵征伐, 許多小國都被中國侵佔。中國攻佔鄰國後將他們變成籓屬國, 強迫他們年年進貢金銀珠寶供中國揮霍, 強迫他們獻出美女供中國皇帝狎用。中國恃強凌弱, 令人髮指。

更慘的是, 這些被侵佔的外國人還被中國貶抑成番人、蠻人、夷人、狄人,等等象徵昆蟲野獸的名稱。

中國自以為是世界中心, 自名中(心)國, 把四周鄰國當成昆蟲野獸。只要跟中國領土交壤的國家, 就要征伐侵佔。從韓國、滿通古斯國、蒙古國、東突厥國、圖博國、越南沒有一個能逃出中國的魔手。

這些鄰國命運大不相同, 韓國、蒙古國、越南團結抵抗外敵, 成功逐退中國人, 復國成功。滿通古斯國整個被滅國滅族。東突厥國、圖博國只剩下流亡政府跟游擊隊作零星反抗。


The occupied territories are Tibet, East Turkistan, "Inner" Mongolia and Manchuria. Manchuria is shown here at its extent in 1949 when the new Communist government of China was swift to annex it. Only 37 years previously, in 1912, the First President of China, Yan Shi-Kai referred to Manchuria as a territory separate from China. Similarly Tibet was to suffer invasion in 1949-50 when the Communist Chinese raised ancient imperial claims to Tibet as justification for their expansionist policies. China also occupies Aksai Chin, in Indian territory and claims "Outer" Mongolia and large portions of India.

China (sensuo-strickto) is exposed as being roughly half the size claimed by the Chinese government and further reductions may be possible if territory of other "minorities" were taken into account. There is evidence to suggest that 90% of "minorities" have either disappeared or been dispossessed of their homelands and/or submerged by massive influx of Chinese colonists since 1949.

As the former Soviet Union was considered a land empire, so too is China, but has escaped popular conception as suc, largely through ignorance. It seems that it too may be destined for breakup along similar lines as the old Soviet Union. Both Tibet and East Turkistan have long histories of resistance to Chinese domination and strong independence movements. Whilst "Inner" Mongolia has suffered massive Chinese colonisation, many Mongolans advocate the reunion of their country. Manchuria it seems has suffered heaviest from Chinese colonialism and is all but submerged, yes still there are Manchurians who advocate independence.

The disputed Indo-Tibetan border, a sensitive military zone, is the scene of regular friction between India and China and was the subject of war in 1962 when the Chinese invade. Newly independent Mongolia, having lost Russian domination, sits precariously in the face of Chinese claims to it. The virtually constant unrest in Tibet and East Turkistan has brought expressions of solidarity between the peoples of these two suffering nations and expressions of support have been voiced from people in newly independent Kazakhstan.








